

How to choose the right toothpaste

What ingredients should you look for in your toothpaste?

We all know how important it is to brush our teeth at least twice a day, but when it comes to choosing a toothpaste, it can be overwhelming when faced with so many options. The good news is we are here to help! Here’s what you should consider when selecting your next tube…

How much fluoride should be in toothpaste?
Fluoride is one of the most important ingredients to look for when you choose a toothpaste. The natural mineral helps to strengthen teeth and prevent decay. Most toothpastes contain some form of fluoride, although it is possible to get high-fluoride options from your pharmacist. These are only necessary in cases where there is an increased risk of tooth decay, and your dentist will let you know if you need a high-fluoride toothpaste. If not, simply choose a product that contains fluoride — the ingredients should be indicated on the box or tube, and these are readily available.

Does sensitive toothpaste work?
If you experience tooth sensitivity, particularly when eating or drinking cold foods and beverages, you’ll know how uncomfortable the condition can be. The first step in treating your tooth sensitivity should be a dental check-up, as this will allow your dentist to determine the cause of the problem. Sensitivity can be caused by a number of factors, including receding gums, gum disease, and even cavities, so we recommend that you come in and see us for a proper diagnosis. Your dentist will then advise you on a toothpaste which best suits your needs. There are a number of products that contain ingredients that stop the nerves from transmitting signals and provide relief from discomfort. Your dentist will let you know which ones are most effective in reducing and managing the sensitivity.

Does toothpaste whiten teeth?
Many people look for whitening ingredients when choosing a toothpaste, and while some formulas can help to prevent stains and clean the teeth with mild abrasives, we recommend a professional treatment if you really want to brighten your smile. We offer a few different teeth whitening procedures at our practice, all of which are safe and effective. If you’ve noticed that your teeth have yellowed over time, the treatment may be a good option for you, but we do recommend that you come in for a consultation so that your dentist can confirm whether or not the procedure is right for your particular needs.

If you need some help choosing the right oral health products or have questions about your overall dental health, please don’t hesitate to come in for a consultation. Our team is dedicated to providing you with all the information you need to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Get in touch with us today!

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A public drop-off centre for recycling your old brushes and tubes!

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