Introducing Roger Morelli From Knead Massage

Hi, my name is Roger Morelli and I’m the senior therapist at Knead Massage and Myotherapy. This article will talk about what jaw pain is, what the symptoms of TMD are, severe jaw pain and what you should do to rapidly resolve symptoms of TMJ pain. To read my in-depth article on TMJ Pain and how massage can quickly reduce symptoms click here. Reading time approximately 3 minutes.
What’s TMJ dysfunction?
Where the jawbone attaches to the skull is called the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The TMJ is essential to:
- open and close the mouth
- eat and drink
- yawn or cough
- speak
TMJ problems are referred to as Temporal Mandibular Dysfunction (TMD)
What is TMJ pain?
Common causes of TMJ dysfunction/pain are:
- teeth grinding
- trauma (fractures, dislocation and muscle tears)
- habitual jaw clenching (bruxism)
- and dental procedures
TMD is commonly associated with headaches, migraines and neck pain.
What’s TMJ dysfunction?
Where the jawbone attaches to the skull is called the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). The TMJ is essential to:
- open and close the mouth
- eat and drink
- yawn or cough
- speak
TMJ problems are referred to as Temporal Mandibular Dysfunction (TMD)
What is TMJ pain?
Common causes of TMJ dysfunction/pain are:
- teeth grinding
- trauma (fractures, dislocation and muscle tears)
- habitual jaw clenching (bruxism)
- and dental procedures
TMD is commonly associated with headaches, migraines and neck pain.
What are the symptoms of TMD?
The TMJ is working 24/7 – it is quickly apparent when it is irritable.
Symptoms of TMJ dysfunction may include:
- Sounds such as crunching/grinding, clicking and popping
- locking of the jaw
- referred pain to the face and eyes
- neck pain
- Habitual clenching (bruxism)
- difficulty opening and closing the mouth,
- phantom toothache (tooth pain without cause)
- Migraine and headache
How do you treat TMJ pain?
Reducing muscle tension goes a long way towards reducing symptoms. This can be achieved without anyone sticking fingers in your mouth usually – but the results of working within the oral cavity are immediately effective.