


Dentures are indicated for individuals who have lost most or all of their natural teeth due to tooth decay, gum disease, injury, or other reasons.

They can be used to restore the function and appearance of a person’s smile, as well as to support their facial structures, which can change over time when there are missing teeth.

It’s important to note that dentures should be prescribed and fitted by a dental professional to ensure proper function and comfort.

Some of the common indications for dentures include:

  1. Complete tooth loss: When an individual has lost all of their natural teeth, dentures can be used to replace the missing teeth and provide support for their lips and cheeks.
  2. Partially edentulous: If a person has only a few remaining natural teeth, they may benefit from partial dentures that can replace the missing teeth and be attached to the remaining natural teeth.
  3. Improving oral function: Dentures can help improve an individual’s ability to speak and chew properly, which can be impacted by missing teeth.
  4. Enhancing appearance: Dentures can be used to restore a person’s smile and improve their self-confidence.
  5. Facial support: When a person has missing teeth, it can cause changes to their facial structures over time, dentures can help support the facial muscles and provide a more youthful appearance.


Full Dentures

Having a full set of quality dentures can be a life-changing experience, offering you a whole new level of self-confidence and improved health.

Unfortunately, if they are made poorly, they can turn into a nightmare.

Dentures that move or fall out, get food trapped underneath or have the wrong tooth position can destroy your self-confidence and leave you feeling embarrassed and on edge when out with friends.

Dentures made by an experienced dentist can provide superior comfort and fit.  At Bite Dental our dentists will first assess your mouth, jaw, and gum structure to ensure that your dentures can be crafted to fit perfectly.   We make sure that the shape of your mouth will allow the final result to be stable, and if it is not, we will discuss with you your options to improve this.  We take a lot of time taking the impression or mould of your mouth, using custom fitted trays and we use high accuracy impression materials.

This allows you to enjoy a comfortable, snug fit that won’t slip, or cause discomfort once bedded in.

Second, our experienced dentists take a lot of time to make sure that the position of the teeth fit you.  It seems silly but making sure that the teeth line up parallel with your pupils and the font teeth are sitting either side of the midline of your face and are not too large is critical but often not done with the detail required.

During this planning stage we often get another of our dentists to review your smile to ensure the best cosmetic result.

At Bite Dental we take the time in the planning stages to get your smile right.

We also use the highest quality materials to ensure that your dentures are long-lasting and durable. Quality materials are essential in ensuring that your dentures won’t chip, crack, or pick up stains over time, making them a great long-term investment.

Finally, our experienced dentists will take the time to properly adjust and fine-tune your dentures to ensure that they look and feel natural. This means that you can enjoy a secure beautiful, and natural-looking smile.

Acrylic Dentures

Acrylic partial dentures are used to replace multiple missing teeth in the same arch. They are made from acrylic resin and metal clasps that attach to adjacent teeth to hold the denture in place.

Acrylic partial dentures can be a great option for those looking for an affordable and relatively comfortable tooth replacement option.  Due to their cost, they are also often used as an interim treatment while a final treatment is being completed e.g. a dental implant.

Acrylic partial dentures come with a number of advantages. They are generally much less expensive than other types of dentures, making them a great option for those who are on a budget. Additionally, they are relatively easy to adjust and can be modified to fit the patient’s mouth if additional teeth shift or require replacement and addition to the denture over time.  Acrylic partial dentures are also lightweight and comfortable, making them easy to wear.

Although acrylic partial dentures have some good advantages, they also come with some drawbacks. They are not as durable as other types of dentures and can wear down over time.  They are also not supported very well by the remaining teeth and can compress into the gum while chewing.  Additionally, the metal clasps that hold them in place are often visible when the denture is worn, which can be a detractor for those who are looking for a more natural-looking solution.

Finally, acrylic partial dentures require more thickness of the acrylic material to prevent them from fracturing during use.  This can mean they are a bit bulkier in the mouth than other options and can lead to food trapping around them.

Overall, acrylic partial dentures can be a great option for those looking for an affordable and relatively comfortable tooth replacement option. However, it is important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages before making a decision. If you are considering an acrylic partial denture, be sure to discuss the pros and cons with your dentist to ensure that it is the right choice for you.

Precision Fitted Removable Partial Dentures (Cobalt Chrome framework)

Precision fitted removable partial dentures are a great option for those looking for an affordable and comfortable solution to missing teeth. These partial dentures are precision fitted to your existing teeth and gums, providing a secure fit that’s more comfortable and natural looking than traditional acrylic dentures. The material is also incredibly durable, allowing for years of use with proper care. Precision fitted dentures can often address the common complaints of dentures being gaps where food catches, visible clasps and dentures that dislodge easily.

At Bite Dental all our precision fitted dentures are planned by the dentist and the onsite dental lab prior to fabrication.  During this stage we design where we can place clasps and identify how stable the denture will be.  Often natural teeth do not have the right shape for clasps to hold securely onto teeth and once identified we can plan what modifications are required to get the correct profiles to increase the stability and secure fit.

Adjustments can range from a slight sanding of a tooth to reduce food traps, addition of filling material to improve the contour or the placement of dental crowns with dovetail ‘lock and key’ shapes for the denture to lock into.   With these additions we are often able to reduce the number of visible clasps on the denture for a more aesthetic result.

Overall, precision cobalt chrome removable partial dentures are a great choice for those looking for a more secure and comfortable fit than traditional dentures. The precision fit, affordability, and durability make these dentures a great option for anyone missing teeth.

Telescopic Dentures: The Future of Removable Partial Dentures

For those looking to replace missing teeth, removable partial dentures can be a great option. While implants are often the preferred choice, they can also be expensive and require a surgical procedure to complete. Telescopic dentures offer an alternative solution, combining the convenience of removable dentures with the stability of implants.

Telescopic dentures are a type of removable partial denture that utilizes two or more dental crowns to provide a secure fit. The inner primary crown is first secured to a remaining tooth in the mouth before a telescope crown that precision fits over the top of the primary crown is hidden underneath a prosthetic tooth on the denture.   It is a very complex solution and requires precision technical excellence from both the dentist and dental laboratory to get it right.   We are proud to announce that the team at Bite Dental and our dental lab have spent years working to bring this technology to Brisbane patients and can now offer this treatment.

This type of denture is an excellent option for patients when there are a few good remaining teeth left or when dental implants are not an option – i.e., smokers or those on bone medications or those requiring large bone grafts.

The primary benefit of telescopic dentures is their ability to stay firmly in place while eating and speaking. Unlike traditional dentures, telescopic dentures are far less likely to shift or become dislodged during everyday activities. This improved stability also helps to reduce the risk of gum irritation.  They can easily be as secure as implant retained solutions and sometimes even more secure than implant retained options.

In addition to improved stability, telescopic dentures can provide better aesthetics compared to traditional dentures as they have no visible clasps attached to the remaining teeth. This helps to restore the natural appearance of the smile.

One of the major benefits of telescope dentures is the biologic cost of the treatment.  You still retain some of your natural teeth and when these fail in the future (yes – all dentistry does fail) there is the option to replace the failed telescopes with implants to secure your denture.

Finally, telescopic dentures can provide a more cost-effective solution than implants. While implant solutions can be tens of thousands of dollars, telescopic dentures can be much more affordable, often being a little over half the cost of a comparable implant option.

Overall, telescopic dentures are an excellent alternative to traditional dentures and implants. They provide improved stability, better aesthetics, and a more cost-effective solution. For those looking to replace missing teeth, telescopic dentures are an excellent option to consider, and something offered by the Bite Dental team.

Full Dentures

Having a full set of quality dentures can be a life-changing experience, offering you a whole new level of self-confidence and improved health.

Unfortunately, if they are made poorly, they can turn into a nightmare.

Dentures that move or fall out, get food trapped underneath or have the wrong tooth position can destroy your self-confidence and leave you feeling embarrassed and on edge when out with friends.

Dentures made by an experienced dentist can provide superior comfort and fit.  At Bite Dental our dentists will first assess your mouth, jaw, and gum structure to ensure that your dentures can be crafted to fit perfectly.   We make sure that the shape of your mouth will allow the final result to be stable, and if it is not, we will discuss with you your options to improve this.  We take a lot of time taking the impression or mould of your mouth, using custom fitted trays and we use high accuracy impression materials.

This allows you to enjoy a comfortable, snug fit that won’t slip, or cause discomfort once bedded in.

Second, our experienced dentists take a lot of time to make sure that the position of the teeth fit you.  It seems silly but making sure that the teeth line up parallel with your pupils and the font teeth are sitting either side of the midline of your face and are not too large is critical but often not done with the detail required.

During this planning stage we often get another of our dentists to review your smile to ensure the best cosmetic result.

At Bite Dental we take the time in the planning stages to get your smile right.

We also use the highest quality materials to ensure that your dentures are long-lasting and durable. Quality materials are essential in ensuring that your dentures won’t chip, crack, or pick up stains over time, making them a great long-term investment.

Finally, our experienced dentists will take the time to properly adjust and fine-tune your dentures to ensure that they look and feel natural. This means that you can enjoy a secure beautiful, and natural-looking smile.

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Book your dental appointment today

Book an appointment with one of our experienced and knowledgeable dental professionals today and we’ll talk you through the best options for you and your teeth. We’ll help you restore your teeth, smile and dental health to their best.

Or call us on 07 3221 5399